In recent years, many individuals and couples have said to me, “Your story was so helpful to me.”

In some ways I’m surprised each time I hear it. In other ways, I’m not.

After all, I’ve always been intrigued by stories and the power to communicate, educate, instruct, advocate, and uplift through story-telling.

Much of my own healing and continued personal growth has been the result of my mentors and others who openly and honestly revealed messy details and how they persevered or effectively dealt with those struggles.

So much so that I’ve paid it forward by also sharing my own painful situations and challenges and what I’ve done to come out on the other side.

However, I’ve only shared through presentations, personal conversations, or private sessions.

I know I could reach more people if I put words to paper, yet I’ve been so afraid to do so.

As a child and into my early teens, I believed I was going to be an author. I took as many classes as possible to learn as much as I could about writing and reading books.

However, my dream quickly dissipated. I was afraid of what others would say and how they’d judge me, given the words of those who mattered most to me.

  • The high-school teacher who told me he was embarrassed to have me as a student because of my low score on the SAT Verbal standardized test.
  • English instructors who said my interpretation of books missed the mark and who diminished the perspectives I brought to the table.

So much time was wasted worrying about what they’d say, taking their words to heart, and not believing I was good enough to be a writer.

No more! 

January 18, 2021, marks the start of my book-writing journey.

And I’m learning from someone who understands the heart-ache of being bullied, made fun of, rejected, and treated as an outcast.

Childhood burn-survivor Kelly Woodhouse Falardeau (pictured) turned her hurt and tragedy into an inspiring story that has helped thousands of people.

Starting out as a public speaker, she eventually went on share her experiences by writing a book. Even though she, too, had doubts about being able to become an author.

She’s now written many books. And Kelly has a highly successful career specializing in helping others write and market best-sellers.

I’m taking her FREE 4-Day Get Your Book Started Challenge that starts January 18.

If you want to learn from her as I am, you can join me in the challenge, too.

Whether or not you join, you can also get a FREE copy of Kelly’s “The 7 Steps Author Formula” that describes how to publish your book in seven easy steps.

If you take the challenge or use the 7-step formula, please let me know.

I’m looking for folks who want to connect with me over the next few months to encourage, support, and be accountable in their book-writing journey.

I now see that my words do make a difference to others. And yours can, too.

So join me and follow in Kelly’s footsteps today.

Peace + Love,

Brenda Dow, Marriage Educator and Relationship Coach |
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