Much has changed about 2020. However, only time will tell if the August or January peak will be affected.
And, if so, will each peak be more severe?

What peak you ask?
It’s the peak that wreaks havoc on finances, can tear families apart, and may turn former lovers into the biggest foes.

Research data (see 3-minute video below) shows that August and January are the two months when divorce filings peak. However, being proactive in key areas may not only prevent such circumstances, it can also make things far better than couples thought possible.

Now is the time to take action, to shore up your relationship, to prioritize the quality and quantity of time you spend together. And, it’s not just about the two of you watching the kids or grand-kids play, video gaming together, exercising as a couple, or Netflix and chillin’ side-by-side.

It’s about taking concrete steps to address any elephants in the room, or exploring the feeling inside yourself that tells you things can be better, or learning how to express your needs in a way your spouse understands and actually wants to help.

And sometimes it can be done by stepping outside the same old routines, trying something completely new, and doing so in a way that you can discover more about your beloved, yourself, and your relationship.

Whether it’s individual work or couples work for relationship-building or a stronger marriage, take action now.

So what will YOU focus on this month and the next?
What action will you take to put or keep your relationship first?

As Karen Lamb said: “A year from now, you’ll wish you had started today.

If you’re not sure how or where to start, contact us today to set up a 20-minute call.

Brenda Dow, Marriage Educator and Relationship Coach |

VIDEO (3 minutes): What the research tells us about the August and January peaks, as explained by Brenda Dow.

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